Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 2 in Maringa

Today was a killer long day. We woke up at 7:30 and didn't get home until after 8! Had breakfast at the hotel: delicious fresh fruit and fresh fruit juice, different cheeses and types of breads...

Walked over to the university for our first lecture given by Dr. Joceli Macedo, who is the main instructor of our program. Her lecture was on the topic of adapting the Florida model of housing needs assessments for Brazil and other developing countries. I obviously found this interesting as I just worked on a housing needs assessment and my specialization in the program at FSU is affordable housing. I'm thinking of changing my focus in this program from transportation to housing, since I am slightly more knowledgeable about housing. Here is a photo of us in class (we arrived late, of course):

The second lecture given to us was by Professor Doctor Something about the topic of "verticalization" or vertical growth in the city of Maringa. The American students couldn't really understand the negative connotation given to vertical growth in this lecture as, where we come from, the opposite of vertical growth is sprawl - and this is seen as a negative thing.
After the two lectures we had some time for lunch. Our Brazillian colleagues brought us to an all you can eat cafeteria with lots of authentic Brazillian dishes - including feshuoda! Yum! Here's a picture of us in front of the cafe:

After our too short lunch break, we walked back to school and met in front of a building to catch a chartered bus to take us to the destination where our tour began. On the tour we went to see the cathedral that looks like a rocket ship. Its huge and when you walk inside its filled with stained glass and you can see all the way to the top of the cone. Its amazingly beautiful:

Then we went to one of the two urban parks in the city that are referred to as the "lungs" of Maringa. We saw monkeys there!!

Then we went to a semi-informal settlement that is kind of under attack by the local government - too complicated to explain in depth but here are some photos:

I am slightly homesick and kind of out of my comfort zone. I miss spending time with Luis, having dinner with mom and dad, and talking to m sister Steph whenever I want. Despite these things I am learning a lot about the cities here, getting to know some awesome new people, and having a great time!
Tomorrow is another long day of lectures and field trips so I better get to sleep. Btw, I have Skype figured out and working so I can call people now!
Oh yeah, and here are some pictures of Jessica and Jennifer trying to kill eachother by pushing eachother into traffic - FSU UF rivalry still going strong!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know part of me would be shocked by that house with the trash on the outside of it but i'm from Ecuador so i've seen stuff like that before in the city of Quito. I like that they are showing you the good and bad of South America. Remember always walk around in groups. :o)