Friday, May 9, 2008

In Sao Paulo

Oh heyyyyy! We're in Sao Paulo! 

We are semi-disoriented as we flew overnight - the flight left Miami at 9:30 and arrived here at 6:30. The whole traveling part went fine - security, customs, immigration, etc. The flight was not bad - it went pretty fast, the food was good, and we had little tvs in our seats that displayed a map of our location. There was a little turbulence when we were passing over Cuba but nothing too bad. 

We are an a hour ahead here, so jet lag isn't really a problem but the lack of sleep is. We waited at the airport for awhile for everyone to arrive and once the group was together we took a bus into the city. We passed some informal housing looking structures on the way in - pretty interesting. There is a group of 13 or so students and they're all really interesting - so I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. We just had an informal orientation type meeting and now we're in the bar of the hotel (free wireless, yes!) trying to get some food before we head off for a walking tour I think, and then a lecture at 7. 

The elevators in our hotel are kind of weird, and so are the lights (which require the hotel key to turn on), oh and our room is freezing. And we have a bidet in the bathroom. 

Portuguese sounds awesome, but its frustrating not knowing how to communicate with people. On the plane Jen and I listened to an In-flight Portuguese lesson on my ipod and learned a few key phrases: 
Obrigada - thank you 
Disculpe - excuse me
No entendo - don't understand!
A few others, but that's all for now. 

Here's a link to an album of photos we took on the plane and at the airport:
At the Airport

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