Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dinner in the Japanese district of Sao Paulo: Liberdade (read: Liberda-gee). Dan, Jen, Kevin and I shared a boat. I got dared to eat the most disgusting looking lime on the boat as pictured in the right of the photo below - of course I did it. Eww. 

Jen,  Jessica, Kevin and I taking a photo with some Brazilians we met while asking for directions to a bar. Crazy silly men. 

The group at a churascaria on the last night in Sao Paulo. On the left side of the table is Vicky, Dan, Shani, and Erin. On the right side is Merideth, Jessica, Kevin, and Eric.

Dinner at the churrascaria

The view from the tallest building in Sao Paulo

Walking around in Sao Paulo

The view from our hotel room

Jen, Eric, Vicky, Jessica, and Dan playing drinking games at the bus depot while we wait for our bus from Sao Paulo to Maringa

We arrive at Maringa around 4:30 in the morning

Dinner at a corner bar with Lauren, Elli, Renata, Kevin, and Jen. Drinking caprinihas and eating little pieces of beef and chicken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY for Day-Glo clothes!!

Miss you Lily