Sunday, May 25, 2008

Floripa Vacation House

Here's a 360 of our Floripa vacation bungalow
*correction to my commentary in the video, we are not right on the "lake" we are right on the lagoon. Woops!

Lauren struggling to get her massive bag up the stairs (and me photographing instead of helping, what a jerk)

Jen enjoying the view

Lunch, camaroa + suco abacaxi (shrimp and pineapple juice - w/ mint!)

The girls and I venturing to the "downtown"

Crazy dogs abound - sometimes sitting in weird places

A feast for 15

Shani with our Brazillian friend, Alex

A close up on the delicious veggie kabob thing that we threw on the churrascaria grill

Two entire salmon that we grilled

Vicky claims that the fish's cheek is a delicacy, eww


Hey, role call! If you're still reading this plz leave a comment, thaaaaank youuuu


Ant said...

I am still reading! The food looks delicious and the scenery looks lovely! Hope you're having funnnnnnnn!



Anonymous said...

I'm still reading but now I'm hungry