Friday, May 23, 2008


Today was a fun day! Shani woke me up and a small group of us headed over to one of the beaches - Praya Mole. We had to walk up this massive hill and then down and then we were there! The water was filled with surfers when we arrived around 11 - and by the time we were ready to leave the beach was so crowded with people - and many still arriving. Guess it's a popular spot!

I know that people always make jokes about the dental floss bikinis in Brazil - but I assure you - it is no joke. No matter what type of body - all of the women wear these skimpy floss bikinis!! We went in the water and played in the waves a bit - but the water was pretty rough. Mainly we lounged on the shore and got sun, I finished the book I was reading. I got completely covered in sand, but at least I didn't sunburn!

When we first got there we met a beautiful French couple with an adorable 3 yearold. They had lived in Miami, and loved Americans and were really happy to talk to us. Most of the people we meet love Americans and want to talk to us about where we're from and where they've been in the U.S.

We had a little lunch and then hit the road back to the house. Spent the afternoon lounging around the house and taking a nap.

In the evening we all got dressed up and went out to a restaurant down the street from the house called the Black Beard. It was kind of pricey but our dinner was delicious. Afterwards a couple of us went to a really nice bar with a live samba/rock band. The place was full of the island elite - rich people! Everyone was dancing - it was really fun.
Now I'm home, and sleepy. Tomorrow is gonna be another beach day most likely. We have Friday, Saturday, and half of Sunday left here before we leave for Curitiba. This place is paradise, I dont want to leave!

(pictures to come soon!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like paridise. Whats the temperature and weather like?